---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Corky's Daily Bread Categories: Corky, Breads, Good Yield: 1 servings 3 c Unbleached flour 1 c Whole wheat flour 1/2 c Nonfat milk powder 1 1/4 c Warm water (85 deg for Regular yeast, 100 deg for Rapid rise) 1 tb Molasses 1 pk Yeast 1 ts Coarse salt or 3/4 tsp table Salt 1/4 ts Ascorbic acid crystals (such As Fruit Fresh or EverFresh) 1 tb Vegetable oil 1 Egg white Proof yeast in 1/2 c of warm water with molasses. Add yeast mixture to 2 cups of unbleached flour along with 1/2 c more of the warm water. Mix, either by hand or with an electric mixer, until the gluten is well developed, about two min. Mix remaining 1/4 c water with last four ingredients and add to first mixture along with the whole wheat flour and dry milk. Mix until well combined (this can also be done by hand or with an electric mixer). Turn out on a WELL floured board and knead, adding additional flour as necessary, until you have a slightly sticky, satiny dough. Form dough into a ball and place in an oiled bowl to rise until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down and form into a loaf and place in an oiled 5X9 bread pan. Cover with a towel and allow to rise until doubled in bulk (the dough will rise well above the top of the pan). Place loaf into a preheated 425 deg. oven and bake for 10 min. Reduce oven temp to 350 deg and bake an additional 25 min. Allow to cool before slicing. -----