MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: House Bread Categories: Bread, Machine Yield: 1 Loaf 1 1/8 c Water 2 tb Olive oil 2 7/8 c Bread flour 1 tb Rye flour 1 tb Corn meal 1 tb Oat bran 1 tb Vital wheat gluten 1 tb Sugar 1 1/2 ts Salt 2 ts Yeast One and a half pound loaf. This is a slight modification of a recipe I found in a bread machine cookbook ebook that came in a Humbe Bundle. It calls for "a bit of this and that" in small amounts. Any of the 1 tb grain or flour items below can be substituted for a different flour or grain. Just make sure you keep the overall amount the same. I have even reduced the flour a bit to add more cornmeal and rye and it still turned out great! This is a fun one to experiment with. Add ingredients to machine according to manufacturer's directions. Recipe by Kelbot Recipe FROM: MMMMM