MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: BANANA FIG BRAN BREAD Categories: Breads, Brdmachine, Breads3 Yield: 1 Loaf 1 pk Yeast 2 1/2 c Flour, bread 1 c Flour, wheat 1/2 c Wheat germ, toasted -=OR=- 1/2 c Bran 1/3 c Milk, instant nonfat 2 tb Gluten 1 ts Salt 1 c Banana; sliced 3/4 c Figs; dried 2 Egg whites 1 tb Vegetable oil 2 tb Malt extract -=OR=- 2 tb Honey 1 ts Vanilla 1 c Water; very warm Add aall ingredients to pan in order listed. Select white bread setting and press "Start". DAK Gourmet Gazette, Vol 1, Issue 2. MMMMM