MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cornmeal Honey Bread Categories: Bread Yield: 2 Loaves 1 pk Active dry yeast (1 tb) 3/4 c Water; warm 1 1/2 c Buttermilk; warm 2 tb Unsalted butter; melted 1/3 c Honey 1 tb Salt 1 c Yellow cornmeal; fine or -medium grind 4 1/2 c Unbleached all-purpose or -bread flour; up to 5 c Combine yeast and water in a small bowl and stir to dissolve. Let stand until bubbly, about 10 minutes. In a large bowl, combine buttermilk, butter, honey, and salt. Add cornmeal. Beat with a whisk until smooth, about 3 minutes, and add yeast mixture. Add 1/2 cup flour at a time with a wooden spoon until dough is stiff. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and springy, about 5 minutes, adding flour 1 tb at a time as necessary. Place in a greased bowl, turn once to grease surface, and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 to 1 1/4 hours. Gently deflate dough, turn out onto a lightly floured board, and divide into two loaves. Form into rounds and place on a greased or parchment lined baking sheet. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled, about 40 minutes. Bake in a preheated 375 F oven for 40 minutes or until browned. Place on a rack and cool before slicing. From: Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 16:52:02 GMT REC.FOOD.RECIPES From archives. Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive, MMMMM