MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Basic Bread Categories: None Yield: 1 servings 3 c Flour 1 tb Yeast 1 tb Salt 1 tb Honey 1 1/2 c Warm water 1 Egg; (optional) Heat 1 1/2 cups water to near boiling. Add honey and stir to dissolve. Use a thermometer and wait for water to cool to 110 F. Add yeast. Let yeast settle in water and stir to dissolve. Give yeast a minute or two to settle before continuing. Slowly add in the 3 cups of flower, stirring regularly until it forms a sticky ball. When all the flour is distributed evenly and the consistency is uniform, continue. Add the salt. Dust counter top with more flour then knead dough for 10 minutes. Roll the dough backwards over itself and press down with your palms, forcing the parts together. Then rotate 90 degrees and do it again. Place kneaded dough in an airtight container with plenty of room to grow. Cover and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. The next day, take risen dough out of container and gently roll it into a desired shape on a flour dusted surface. I cut mine in half and roll them into oblong shapes to sit on a French bread pan. Allow the bread to rise a second time for a few hours. Preheat oven to 200 C (~400 F). At bottom of oven add a pan with about an inch of water. This will provide steam during baking. While the oven preheats, gently brush the surface of the dough with either cold water or a well mixed egg. The egg wash makes a delicious golden crust. Add dough to oven in appropriate pan or stone for the shape. Cook for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, lower temperature to 150 C and cook another 20 minutes. Remove bread from oven and place on a rack to cool for an hour or two before serving. Recipe by James Tomasino MMMMM