MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: "Souper" Potato Bread Categories: Breads Yield: 2 Loaves 9 c Bread flour; unsifted 2 tb Active dry yeast 1/2 c Sugar 1 tb Salt 1 cn (10-3/4 oz) condensed cream -of potato soup 2 c Milk 1/4 c Shortening 1 lg Egg white Sesame seeds Combine 3 c flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Mix well. In the blender/food processor, puree soup and one cup milk. Transfer to medium saucepan. Add remaining milk, one cup water, and shortening. Heat the soup mixture until very hot (125 to 135 F). With mixer at low speed, pour hot soup mixture into flour mixture. Beat at medium speed 3 minutes. With wooden spoon, gradually add enough remaining flour until dough leaves side of bowl. Knead dough until smooth and elastic--about 5 minutes. Let rise in greased bowl. Cover with towel, and put in warm place (85 F), free from drafts, until double in size (45 minutes). Grease two 9x5" loaf pans. Punch down dough. Turn out onto floured board. Form loaves. [Illustration showing dough rolled into two strands, and the strands twisted around each other, kind of like a braid.] Cover. Let rise until doubled in size (abot 35 minutes). Preheat oven to 400 F. Beat egg white with 1 tb water. Brush tops of leaves. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 F. Bake 35 minutes more. Cool on wire racks. Recipe by Wendy C. MMMMM