MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Anadama Bread Categories: Breads, Camping Yield: 2 Loaves 1 c Milk; scalded 1 1/2 c Water 1 c Yellow corn meal 1/4 c Oil 1/2 c Molasses 2 tb Salt 2 Yeast cakes 2 c Unbleached flour 4 c Whole wheat flour Combine hot milk and 1 c boiling water and slowly add the corn meal. Add oil, molasses, and salt. Allow to sit until mixture is lukewarm. Mix yeast with 1/2 c warm water and let sit 5 minutes, then stir it into corn meal mixture. Beat in flour and knead until smooth. Allow to rise, covered until doubled, about 1-1/2 hours. Knead again and divide into 2 loaves and allow to rise until double again. Bake for 1 hour in coal fire or in 375 F oven. Recipe by Cycle Food by Lauren Hefferon MMMMM