MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Pineapple Cheesecake Categories: Cheee, Fruits, Dairy, Cookies, Desserts Yield: 10 servings 16 oz Cream cheese; softened 1/2 c Sugar 20 oz Can crushed pineapple; - drained 8 oz Tub whipped topping; thawed 6 oz Ladyfingers (2 pk, 48 cookies) 1 pt Fresh strawberries; sliced In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Stir in pineapple. Fold in whipped topping. Place ladyfingers around the sides and on the bottom of a greased 9" springform pan. Pour filling into pan. Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Carefully remove sides of pan. Top with strawberries. Recipe by Phoebe Carre, Mullica Hill, New Jersey RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM