---------- Recipe via Meal-Master v8.02 Title: PRALINE CHEESECAKE Categories: Cakes, Desserts Yield: 10 1 c Graham Cracker Crumbs 3 T Sugar 3 T Margarine, Melted 24 oz Cream Cheese, Softened 3/4 c Dark Brown Sugar, Packed 2 T Flour, All-purpose, Unbleached 3 lg Eggs 2 t Vanilla 1/2 c Pecans, Finely Chopped Granishes * * Garnish include Maple Syrup & Pecan halves. Combine crumbs, granulated sugar & margarine; press onto bottom of 9" springform pan. Bake @ 350 F, 10 mins. Combine cream cheese, brown sugar & flour, mixing at md speed on electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing well after each addition. Blend in vanilla; stir in chopped pecans. Pour over crust. Bake @ 450 F, 10 mins. Reduce oven temperature to 250 F & continute baking an additional 30 mins. Loosen cake from rim of pan; cool before removing rim of pan. Chill. Brush with maple syrup; top with pecan halves. Charlene Wilson; Bienvenue! La Cuisine de la Maison Destrehan The River Road Historical Society Destreha, LA America's Best Recipes; A 1988 Hometown Collection; Oxmoor House NORMA WRENN NPXR56B Canada Remote Systems; Toronto, Ontario ERIC DECKER; 9-2-92 -----