---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Florentines Categories: Cookies Yield: 28 servings 1 c Blanched almonds; * 1/2 c Mixed candied fruits &peels* 1/3 c Butter 1/3 c Milk 1/4 c Sugar 2 tb Honey 1/4 c To 1/2 c all-purpose flour 3/4 c Semi-sweet chocolate pieces 2 tb Shortening * finely chopped These crisp, nutty cookies are said to be a gift from Florence, Italy. The thin layer of chocolate spread over the bottoms makes them taste positively decadent. Preheat oven to 350. In a bowl combine almonds, fruits and peels; set aside. In a medium saucepan combine butter, milk, sugar and honey. Bring to a full rolling boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Stir in almond mixture; stir in 1/4 cup flour (adding more if mixture is too liquidy). Drop by level tablespoonfuls, at least 3 inches apart, onto a greased and floured baking sheet. (Prepare only 6 cookies at a time on a baking sheet.) Using back of spoon, spread dough to 3- inch circles. Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand 1 minute on baking sheet. Carefully remove with spatula to waxed paper. Cool completely. In a small saucepan melt chocolate pieces and shortening over low heat. When cookies are cooled, evenly spread bottom of each cookie with about 1 teaspoon of the chocolate mixture. When chocolate is almost set, draw wavy lines through it with tines of a fork. Store cookies, covered, in refrigerator. Yield: 28 cookies. Pat Thomas, retired food editor, Yakima WA -----