MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: POTATO SCONES Categories: Pastry Yield: 8 servings 1 1/2 c Flour 3/4 ts Salt 1 Egg; well beaten 1/4 c Shortening 4 ts Baking powder 1 c Mashed potatoes Milk Sift flour, measure, and sift with baking powder and salt. Add mashed potatoes and shortening which have been creamed together. Add well- beaten egg and sufficient milk to make a roll dough. Very little milk is necessary. Turn onto lightly floured board. Pat into sheet 1/2" thick, or divide dough into three parts, roll into rounds 1/2" thick, cut each of these into four pie-shaped sections, and bake in hot oven (450 F) 12 to 15 minutes. Serve hot. -- Mrs. T.M. Purdon, Santa Ana, CA in The Household Searchlight Recipe Book (1934) MMMMM