---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Apple Rolls Categories: Breads, Rolls, Quick Yield: 12 Rolls -Household Searchlight 2 c Flour 4 ts Baking powder 3/4 c Milk 4 c Pared, sliced apples 1/4 c Brown sugar 1/2 ts Salt 1/4 c Shortening 2 tb Melted butter or butter -substitute 1 ts Cinnamon 1 c Brown sugar Sift flour, measure, and sift with baking powder and salt. Cut in shortening with 2 spatulas. Add milk, Mix quickly and lightly. Turn onto lightly floured board. Roll in oblong sheet 1/4 inch thick. Brush with melted butter. Cover with apples. Sprinkle with 1cup sugar and the cinnamon which have been mixed. Roll like a jelly roll. Cut in slices 1 1/2 inches thick. Sprinkle 1/4cup brown sugar over bottom of well-oiled pan. Place rolls, cut down, in pan. Bake in hot oven (425 F) about 40 minutes. 8 rolls. Anna D. Larsen, Alpha, MN. MM by Cathy Svitek -----