---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: NEVER-FAIL TAFFY Categories: Candies Yield: 36 Servings 2 c Sugar 1/4 ts Cream of tartar 1 tb Vinegar 1 tb Butter 3/4 c Hot water Combine all ingredients in heavy sauce pan. Cook on low temperature until sugar is dissolved. Cook over medium heat to "crack" stage. Pour on buttered plate to cool. As soon as taffy is cool enough to handle, pull with floured hands. Taffy should still be hot enough to make you say "ouch" but not hot enough to do serious damage. Keep pulling until taffy has cooled. This recipe is from a loose-leaf cookbook probably compiled many years ago by the LDS church relief society in Malad, Idaho. The recipe is credited to Mrs. Dan Tovey of Malad. -----