---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: JELLY CANDIES Categories: Candies Yield: 12 Servings -DOLORES MCCANN (BSWN00A) -------------------------------IN A SMALL PAN------------------------------- 1 3/4 oz Dry fruit pectin (Sure Jel) 3/4 c Water 1/2 ts Baking soda ----------------------------IN A 2ND LARGER PAN---------------------------- 1 c Sugar 1 c Light Karo 1. Lightly grease candy molds, or spray with PAM, and sprinkle with granu 2. Cook both mixtures, stirring alternately until foam subsides in the so 3. Pour pectin mixture in a slow, steady stream into the boiling sugar mixture. 4. Remove from heat and stir in flavoring, food color & 1/2 teas. citric acid 5. Pour into prepared molds. Let set for 24 hours. Remove from molds & roll in granulated sugar. These don't keep long, but then they don't need to. They are fantastic. -----