---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: GIANT HERSHEY KISS Categories: Chocolate, Candies, Holiday Yield: 1 Servings 1 pk Powdered sugar (1 lb.) 1/2 c Cocoa 1/2 c Margerine (1 cube) 1/4 c Milk 1 ts Vanilla 1/2 c Chopped walnuts Combine ingredients except vanilla and walnuts in a 2 qt. casserole. Microwave on high 2 minutes. Add vanilla and walnuts. Stir. Pour into generously buttered large funnel (fasten a piece of foil over the end with a rubber band) making sure you fill the spout end. Place funnel in a tumbler or cup and set in freezer or frig until set. Carefully unmold and wrap with foil creating a big "kiss". You can add a streamer stating "For Chocolate Lovers Only" to finish it. You can make mini-kissess by using a small funnel of the type intended to fill perfume bottles. You can purchase these at most cosmetic or variety stores. Courtesy Of: Joann Pierce Posted by: Debbie Carlson (PHHW01A) - Prodigy Reformatted for MM by CLM, HCPM52C -----