---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: VANILLA TAFFY Categories: Candies Yield: 1 Servings -Nancy Speicher DPXX20A 1 c Sugar 2/3 c Light corn syrup 1/2 c Water 1/4 ts Cream of tartar 1 ts Vanilla 1 tb Butter or margarine 1. Butter a large platter or jelly-roll pan. 2. Combine sugar, corn syrup, water and cream of tartar in medium-size heavy saucepan. Bring to boiling over medium heat, stirring constantly. 3. Boil mixture without stirring until candy thermometer registers 266F. (A teaspoonful of syrup will form a hard ball when dropped in cold water.) Remove from heat; stir in vanilla and butter or margarine. 4. Pour onto prepared platter or pan. Let candy stand until cool enough to handle. 5. Butter hands. Gather up candy; pull between hands until it becomes satiny and light in color. Pull into large strips; twist. Cut into 1" pieces with scissors. To store, wrap each candy in plastic wrap and place in air-tight container. Makes 1/2 pound. From Family Circle 11/72 Homemade Candies -----