---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: COCONUT CANDY (INDIA) Categories: Candies, Ethnic Yield: 1 Servings -LORRAINE HOWARD (GDDH53B) 2 Coconuts, or use 1 (14 oz) -package baker's angel flake -coconut 2 c Sugar 1/2 c Water Pink cake coloring Butter Scrape the insides of the halves of 2 coconuts with a carrot scraper, or use 1 (14 oz) package of Baker's Angel Flake Coconut. Cook together sugar and water until it makes a soft ball when a little is dropped into cold water. Add pink cake coloring to the syrup, then add coconut to the syrup, and cook until it becomes thick. Pour onto a buttered platter ( 9" X 13"). As the candy begins to cool slightly, cut into squares, approximately 1" size pieces. This recipe makes approximately 72 pieces. Source: Lorraine Howard (GDDH53B) -----