---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: SEAFOAM Categories: Candies Yield: 20 Servings 1 1/2 c Light brown sugar 1 1/2 c Granulated sugar 1 c Cold water 1/2 c Chopped nuts 1 tb Vinegar 2 x Egg whites 1/4 ts Salt 1 ts Vanilla Boil sugar, water and vinegar to soft ball stage (236 degrees). Remove from stove. Separetely, beat egg whites and salt until stiff. When syrup has stopped bubbling, pour gradually into egg whites and beat well. When mixture begins to stiffen, add vanilla and nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto waxed paper. Makes 2 dozen. Source: Dorothy Dare and Ham Journal, Dec. 13, '83 -----