---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: MARSHMALLOWS Categories: Candies Yield: 1 Servings 2 c Sugar 1 ts Vanilla 2 tb Gelatin soaked in 1/2 cup -cold water 1/4 ts Salt 3/4 c Water Marshmallows from Marge Osborn's 9 th grade Home Ec Class. They can also be used as centers for dipped chocolates or bark 1. Mix sugar and 3/4 c water in heavy pan. Cook to soft ball stage, 238 degrees. 2. Remove from fire and add gelatin. 3. Pour in glass mixing bowl. Cool a little and then whip until thick and white. Add flavoring. 4. Mix 2 T powdered sugar and 2 T cornstarch and spread into a 9 inch square pan. Pour candy into the prepared pan, let stand. Cut into squares using a wet knife and give a final dust of powdered sugar. Please add this to the marshmallow recipe to keep the marshmallows from being grainy. When you start cooking the sugar and water, be sure to dissolve the sugar crystals before it begins boiling as is done with fudge. Either wipe down the sides of the pan with a watered brush or cover pan for a few minutes. From Cookie-Lady's Files. Posted on GEnie's Food & Wine RT by COOKIE-LADY [Cookie] on 10/3/93 MM by QBTOMM and Sue Woodward (S.WOODWARD/GEnie; 72772,2247/CIS; SWOODWARD/NVN) -----