---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: MARZIPAN FRUITS Categories: Candies Yield: 2 Servings 2 Egg whites 2 c Almond paste -confectioners' sugar -food coloring -cocoa Whip egg whites until stiff. Add almond paste and enough confectioners'sugar to make mixture easy to shape. Form into small pears, apples, cherries, and other fruits. Brush some very lightly with food coloring. Roll others in cocoa. Wrap and store in cool place until wanted. "Usually texture and flavor are better in marzipan when paste is mixed with an equal amount of freshly made White Fondant." Pecan Twins: Put 2 large pecan halves together with small amount of colored marzipan. Marzipan Stuffed Dates: Remove pits from large dried dates. If very sticky, rinse dates in cold water and let them dry. Fill with marzipan mixed with fondant. Source: Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Cookbook, 1961 edition From The Cookie-Lady's Files -----