---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: MARZIPAN-JELLO Categories: Candies, Jello Yield: 8 Servings -FWDS07A PATRICIA DWIGANS 7 oz Fine grated coconut 3 oz Any fruit flavor gelatin -(jello) 1 c Grated blanced almonds 2/3 c Sweetened condensed milk 1 1/2 ts Sugar 1 ts Almond extract thoroughly mix all ingredients. shape as small fruits, veg hearts, easter eggs etc. If desired use food coloring to aint details on fruit and or add stems of whole cloves. Chill until dry. Store covered at room temp. Makes 2-3 dozen candies. NOTE: for fruits use the appropriate flavors strawberry for strawberries-- Posted on PRODIGY, December, 1993; formatted by Elaine Radis; PRODIGY, BGMB90B; GEnie, E.RADIS -----