---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: MAPLE POPCORN SQUARES Categories: Candies Yield: 3 Dozen sq. ---------------------------LISA CRAWLEY/TEASPOON--------------------------- 1 c Maple or Brown Sugar 1/4 c Maple Syrup 1/2 c Water 1 ts Salt 1 tb Butter 1 qt Popped Corn Cook sugar, syrup, water and salt to 280 (brittle). Add butter and cook slowly to 294 degrees. Meanwhile, grind popped corn coarsely through a meat grinder or chop in chopping bowl. When syrup is cooked remove form heat and stir in popcorn. Pour onto oiled marble between irons. Roll w/ an oiled rolling pin. Cut into squares or bars. Makes about 3 doz. 2" squares. NOTE: I personally think that a buttered jelly roll pan would suffice! -----