---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: CHAMBORD BONBONS Categories: Candies Yield: 1 Servings 1 c Vanilla wafer crumbs 1 c Powdered sugar 1 c Toasted almonds; chop 2 tb Cocoa powder 2 tb Butter 1/4 c Raspberry preserves 1/4 c Chambord or Raspberry liqueur 6 oz German or Sweet baking chocolate; * se * grated or ground in food processor. Combine vanilla wafers, powdered sugar, almonds, and cocoa powder in mixing bowl. Heat butter and raspberry preserves, just until butter melts. Blend into crumb mixture, along with Chambord. Chill one hour, then mold into about twenty-four 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in grated chocolate. Source: "What Should I Bring?" Book by Alison Boteler DOTTIE CROSS -----