---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: APRICOT SNOWBALLS Categories: Candies, Fruits Yield: 30 Servings 2 c Cornflakes; uncrushed 1/3 c Dates; diced, pitted 2/3 c Dried Apricots; diced 1/2 c Pecans; chopped 1/4 c Honey 3 tb Margarine 1 ts Vanilla ----------------------------------GARNISH---------------------------------- Granulated sugar (opt) Strips of dried apricots Red Cherry halves Using a rolling pin, crush cornflakes between 2 sheets of waxed paper. Stir curshed cornflakes, dates, apricots and pecans until well mixed in large bowl. Melt honey and margarine in small pan; blend in vanilla. Pour over cornflake mixture; mix thoroughly. Chill 30 minutes. Use one tablespoon of mixture to form each ball. Roll balls in sugar, if desired. Garnish each with a strip of apricot or a cherry half. Serve immediately or cover and chill until needed. Makes about 30 balls. -----