---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: PEPPERMINT CHOCOLATE SQUARES Categories: Candies, Chocolate, Brownies Yield: 12 Servings -BARB DAY --------------------------------FIRST LAYER-------------------------------- 2 oz Unsweetened chocolate 2 Eggs 1 c Sugar 1/2 c Flour 1 c Pecans 1/2 c Margerine --------------------------------SECOND LAYER-------------------------------- 2 c Conf sugar 3 tb Margarine 2 tb Whipping cream 3/4 ts Mint & peppermint extract 4 dr Green food coloring --------------------------------THIRD LAYER-------------------------------- 1 1/2 c Milk chocolate chips 3 tb Vegetable oil POWER: High/50% .... TURN: Yes .... TIME: 11 min. per 12 servings Melt chocolate and margarine in glass mixing bowl on high for 2 minutes. Stir in remaining first layer ingredients. Pour into 8 in. square glass baking dish. Microwave 5 to 6 minutes on high, giving dish a 1/4 turn halfway through cooking. In separate bowl, mix together second layer ingredients. Spread over first layer. Refrigerate to harden. Combine third layer ingredients in glass bowl for about 3 minutes at 50% power. Pour over second layer. Refrigerate and cut into squares. -----