---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: CRISP CHERRY POPS Categories: Kids, Candies Yield: 12 Servings 6 c Crispy rice cereal 1/4 c Butter or margarine 1 pk Regular marshmallows (about 4 c Miniature marshmallows 1 pk Cherry gelatin powder 12 Paper cold drink cups 12 Flat wooden sticks Recipe by: Sue Klapper Place cereal in large bowl. In large saucepan, combine margarine, marshmallows and gelatin. Cook over low heat until marshmallows are melted, stirring occasionally. Pour marshmallow mixture over cereal; toss to coat. With wet hands, press mixture into paper cups; insert stick in center of each. Let stand until set. To serve, remove paper cups. -----