---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: CREAMY PRALINES Categories: Candies, Gifts Yield: 12 Servings -JUDY GARNETT PJXG05A 2 c Sugar; (white granulated) 2/3 c Evaporated milk; -(1 small can) 1/4 ts Baking soda 2 tb Karo, syrup white 2 c Pecans; (broken into -rather large pieces) Mix above ingredients-including the pecans.Cook over medium heat maintaining a slow boil-stir constantly until mixture forms a soft ball in cold water-or 230 on candy thermonter. (Be careful not to over cook) remove from heat immediately and add 1 tablespoon butter and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.Let cool about 10 minutes and then set it in cool water for about ten minutes-beat until slightly thickened.Drop by teaspoonful on waxed paper(candy should be rather soft not hard when putting it on the paper.) This recipe is from my sister, Sally. ~-- I'd appreciate any suggestions or comments as to how these exported for you. Thanks. Hope I've finally gotten both methods to work. Best regards, Judy/NC FOOD AND WINE CLUB TOPIC: DESSERTS & SWEETS TIME: 10/21 10:14 PM TO: ALL FROM: JUDY GARNETT (PJXG05A) SUBJECT: R-CC PNUT BTR BALLS My hairdresser gave me this recipe years ago and it's still requested every year. These are known under various names. I think some call them buckeyes. This makes a huge batch. Makes it great for gift giving. -----