---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Irish Potato Candy (Without Potatoes) Categories: Candy, Ethnic, Potatoes, Misc Yield: 24 servings -patdwigans 1 1/2 c Sugar 1/2 c Evaporated milk 1 tb Butter 1/8 ts Cream of tartar 1/4 ts Salt 1 ts Vanilla extract 1/2 To 3/4 cup flaked coconut; 2 ts Ground cinnamon 2 ts Cocoa Blanched almond bits or pine Combine sugar, milk, butter, cream of tartar and salt in saucepan. Heat to boiling, stirring occasionally. cover pan. Cook syrup to 234 degrees or until a few drops form a soft ball when tested in cold water. Uncover occasionally during cooking, and stir gently to prevent scorching. Remove from heat. Let syrup stand undisturbed until lukewarm. Add vanilla. Beat syrup until creamy. Add coconut and blend. Shape candy into small pieces to resemble potatoes. Blend cinnamon and cocoa. roll candy in cinnamon mixture and coat well. Insert bits of blanched almonds or pine nuts to resemble eyes of potatoes, if desired. Makes about 2 dozen. source: a friends mother -----