MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Almond-Pecan-Date Truffles Categories: Candy, Fruits, Nuts Yield: 18 servings 1/3 c Apple juice 8 oz Pkg chopped dates 1 c Pecans; fine chopped, - toasted 1 1/4 ts Ground cinnamon 1/4 ts Ground nutmeg 1 c Ground almonds; toasted In a microwave, warm apple juice. Stir in dates; let stand 5 minutes to soften, stirring occasionally. Remove dates from apple juice; discard liquid. Transfer dates to the bowl of a food processor fitted with the blade attachment; process until smooth. Add pecans and spices; pulse just until combined (mixture will be thick). Shape mixture into 1" balls; place on a waxed paper lined baking sheet. Refrigerate, covered, 30-60 minutes. Roll date balls in almonds. Recipe by Lori Daniels, Beverly, West Virginia RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM