---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: JUAN'S KILLER FLAN Categories: Desserts Yield: 6 servings 1 cn Evaporated milk 1 cn Sweetened condensed milk 2 c Sugar 1/4 c Water 1 tb Vanilla extract 1/2 Lemon; juice only 8 Eggs Preheat oven to 375 . Mix eggs, condensed milk, evaporated milk, 1 cup of the sugar, vanilla and lemon juice in large bowl. Mix well, no solids allowed, and the sugar must blend very evenly. (Add a little bit of Amaretto or Bailey's Irish Cream if you feel adventurous, or a little softened cream cheese). In a meat loaf or bread mold, put the remaining 1 cup of sugar and the water tilt the mix so that becomes a syrupy mix. Heat on high, watching it and moving it every once in a while to spread the heat evenly. When it starts to turn brown, take it off the heat. The syrup should be a medium caramel color. Put it in the freezer and let it set. After the caramel sets, pour in the flan mixture you made in the bowl. Cover TWICE and seal well with aluminum foil. Put the mold inside another larger pan (double boiler) and fill the middle with water so that it almost reaches the edge of the inside mold. It is VERY important to seal the top of the mold; if steam or hot air gets inside the flan will not come out creamy and firm (it will look like swiss cheese on the outside). Set oven to BAKE and cook for 1 hour. Turn oven off and let it cool, then take the flan out, remove from the larger pan and put it in the fridge to cool. Ought to serve 8 or so, but I've seen it serve 1 over 3-days. It will last quite a bit as long as it is refrigerated. +++++DON'T FORGET TO SEAL THE PAN REALLY WELL! (BOOM! DIET'S DEAD!) Recipe from Juan Jiminez, GEnie Shared by Barb Day. -----