MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Chocolate Mocha Freeze Categories: Chocolate, Christmas, Pie Yield: 8 Servings 8 oz Semi sweet chocolate 2 c Whipping cream; divided 200 g Chocolate wafer cookies 3/4 c Strong black coffee Preparation time: 30 minutes, plus freezing time Melt the chocolate and allow to cool to room temperature. Beat the whipping cream until soft peak stage and fold into cooled chocolate. Spread 1/4 of the mousse onto bottom of a 9" springform pan. Dip 15 wafers into coffee and cover mousse. Spread more mousse onto wafers and soak 15 more wafers to spread onto mousse. Repeat until all wafers are used and end up with the mousse on top covering all. Garnish with chocolate cutouts or drizzle a bit of melted chocolate over all. Cover and freeze. This can be made ahead and kept in the freezer until needed. A good make ahead dessert. Origin: Baker's Festive Recipe pamphlet. From: Sharon Stevens Date: 12-11-95 MMMMM