MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Fake Ben & Jerry's Heath Bar Crunch Ice Cream Categories: Desserts, Ice cream, Copycat Yield: 1 Quart 5 Health candy bars 3 Eggs 1 c Sugar 3 c Whipping cream 1 1/2 c Half & half 3 ts Vanilla extract Freeze the candy bars. Beat the eggs by hand until fluffy. Slowly beat in the sugar. Add the cream, half & half, and vanilla and mix well. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze. While the ice cream is freezing, place the frozen candy bars in a plastic bag and break them into small pieces with a knife handle. When the ice cream is done, remove it from the ice cream maker and add the candy pieces. Mix well with a large spoon and store in the freezer. VARIATIONS: Try substituting other ingredients for the Health bar chunks, just as Ben & Jerry have. Try Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Oreo cookies, Kit Kat bars, Rollo cups, M& Ms, and chunks of raw cookie dough. From: Paulab@nyc.Pipeline.Com (Paula Eldate: Tue, 28 May 1996 04:28:12 Gmt MMMMM