MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Chocolate Ice Cream Categories: Dessert, Ice cream, Sthrn/livng Yield: 1 gallon 3 Eggs 1 c Sugar 1 qt Half-and-half 1 pt Cream, whipping 1 c Syrup, chocolate 1 tb Vanilla extract 3 c Milk; approx. Beat eggs with electric mixer at medium speed until frothy. Gradually add sugar, beating until thick. Add next 4 ingredients; mix well. Pour mixture into freezer can of a 1-gallon hand-turned or electric freezer. Add enough milk to fill can about 3/4 full. Freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. Let ripen at least 1 hour. SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, August 1980. Typos by Nancy Coleman. MMMMM