MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Clare's Mint Chocolate Chimps Categories: Five, I scream, Candy Yield: 1 Servings 1/2 c Breyers Blasts! Girl Scout - Cookies Thin Mints Ice - Cream 2 Girl Scout Thin Mint - Cookies 2 sm Round candies Red and black decorating - icing Cut one of the Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies in half; Using the red decorating icing, squeeze a mouth on the lower half of the other cookie; Using the black decorating icing, squeeze two black nostrils on the top half of the same cookie; Scoop Breyers Blasts! Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints Ice Cream on dish. Place remaining ice cream to overlap the lower half of bottom scoop; Place cookie halves on top sides of ice cream as ears. Place whole cookie on lower half of ice cream. Place two small round candies above cookie mouth. Add two dots of black decorating icing on eyes. Serve immediately or pop in freezer until ready to serve. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM