MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: No Sugar Mango Ice Cream Categories: Five, Fruits, Citrus, I scream Yield: 2 servings 2 lg Ripe mangoes -OR- 3 sm Mangoes 1 sm Lime or lemon Equipment: food processor, or blender, paring knife Wash, trim, and carve mangos to make four wedges. Pull mango peel skin off from top to bottom, save to make chutney. Cut mango flesh from pit, cut fruit into dice size cubes, lay on parchment paper on tray, freeze one hour. Save pits to make chutney. Freeze sorbet glasses. Drizzle 1 ts lime juice into food processor, add cup of frozen mango cubes, pulse until smooth and creamy. Scoop into cold glass, run second cup of mango pieces in lime juice. Keep in freezer until ready to serve mango ice cream, enjoy. Recipe by Hobie Horseman, Calico, California, United States RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM