MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cherry Bombe Categories: Desserts, Dairy, Fruits, Citrus Yield: 12 Servings MMMMM------------------------FIRST LAYER----------------------------- 1 c Pareve or dairy milk 8 Egg yolks 1 c Sugar MMMMM------------------------SECOND LAYER----------------------------- 500 ml (1 pint) whipping cream - (pareve or dairy) 1/2 lb (250 grams) fresh or frozen - cherries; pureed 1 tb Lemon juice Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Heat the milk in a pot until just before it boils. Remove the pot from the fire and slowly add half the milk to the egg mixture, mixing constantly. Return the entire egg mixture to the pot and cook over a low flame, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Remove from the fire and cool. NOTE: You can freeze this in silicon shapes (not complicated ones) so that each serving slips out ready to serve. SECOND LAYER: Beat the whipping cream until it is firm and soft. Mix in the ground cherries and lemon and fold the mixture into the cooled Cr|?me Anglaise. Pour into the loaf pans and freeze. Remove from the freezer and slice with a knife dipped in boiling water. Wait five minutes before serving. Serve with fresh fruit. Source: Family Table by Mishpacha Magazine RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM