* Exported from MasterCook * Frozen Fruit Surprise Recipe By : Family Favorites Volume II, pg. 220 Serving Size : 35 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Desserts Ice Cream And Sherbets Recipelu Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 gallon pineapple sherbet -- softened 3 10oz. pkgs frozen raspberries -- thawed 5 bananas -- cubed Fold ingredients together. Put into covered plastic containers and freeze. Dessert may be made ahead of time and stored in freezer. VARIATIONS: Use equal parts pineapple sherbet and vanilla ice cream, softened; frozen strawberries, thawed and bananas cut in chunks. Recipe from Jackie Riley. Submitted to Recipelu by Chelle Gardner. Chelle51@aol.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -