MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Durian Green Bean Dessert Categories: Dessert, Durian Yield: 4 Servings 300 ml Water 300 g Green beans 300 g Gula melaka (palm sugar) 75 ml Water 1 cn Coconut milk 1 Durian Boil green bean in water until cooked. Boil gula melaka with 250 ml water. Strain. Mix into green beans. Simmer for 5 minutes (add more sugar if you like it sweeter). Open durian and separate flesh from seeds; process flesh until smooth and then sieve to remove any fibers. [M: Reduce coconut milk by 1/2.] Dish dessert into bowls. Add 2 tb coconut milk and 1 tb blended durian to each serving. Original author says: Happy Eating. This recipe is given to me by a friend. I find it wonderful to eat duran this way. Highly recommended. From: Tony Chan, Durian On Line; adapted 300 g Green bean (M sez: I presume mung bean) From: Michael Loo Date: 01-16-99 MMMMM