---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Blueberry Buckle Categories: Inn recipes, Cheesecakes Yield: 1 servings 4 tb Butter; softened 3/4 c Sugar 1 Egg 2 c Flour 2 ts Baking powder 1/2 ts Salt 1/2 c Milk 2 c Blueberries Fresh or defrosted frozen Glaze: 1/2 c Confectioner's sugar 2 ts Butter; softened 1/2 ts Grated orange or lemon peel 1 1/2 tb Milk Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and beat well. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture alternating with milk. Beat until smooth. Fold in berries. Spread batter in greased 9"x9" pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 min. or until coffee cake tests done. Cool for 10 minutes. Remove to wire rack. Combine glaze ingredients - gradually adding milk until glaze is of spreading consistency; drizzle over the top of the warm coffee cake.JM. Baked goods can be frozen and stored for several months and taste as fresh as the day they were made--wrap them in freezer paper and then put them in heavy plastic freezer bags. Expel all the air from the bag before you seal it. It's the air in the bag that gives food "freezer" taste. Since we named our inn Blueberry Hill, we planted thirty blueberry bushes in our garden, feature blueberries in our decorating, and serve blueberry specialties on our breakfast menu. This coffee cake is one of our guests favorite. Blueberry Hill Bed & Breakfast -----