MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Baked Caramel Apple Dessert Categories: Ww, Tested, Easy Yield: 2 Servings 1 lg Baking apple 1 ts Cinn/Sugar mixture 1/2 tb Brown Sugar 1 tb Raisins (optional) 2 ea Caramels, cut 2 tb Caramel syrup Preheat Oven to 325. Peel apple, core, and cut into two pieces. Cut each section into 1/2 inch cubes. Place each half of diced apple into a custard cup, arrange in a nice pattern. Sprinkle with cinn/spice mixture, brown sugar. Place cut pieces of caramel (or bite size Milky Way) on top of apples. If using raisins, sprinkle raisins on top of the apple. Microwave for 2 minutes on high. Transfer to preheated oven (I used toaster oven) Place the two custard cups on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes. When apples are tender, remove from oven and drizzle caramel syrup over top. Let cool, enjoy Tested several times. Nice sweet tooth solution. Weight Watchers Variation. Smart points MMMMM