MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Nigerian Chin Chin (Deep-Fried Pastry) Categories: African, Doughnuts, Pastry, Snacks Yield: 32 servings 1 c Butter 1 c Sugar 4 Eggs beaten 4 c Flour 1/2 ts Baking powder 1 pn Salt Peanut oil to fry This is a northern Nigerian street food and may be made into any shape although the bow is popular. Cream butter, cream in sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Mix flour with baking powder and salt. Add enough flour to make a thick dough. Knead lightly till smooth. Roll on a floured board 1/4 inch thick. Cut into rectangular strips (2x5 inch) and cut a slit in center and pull end through to form a loop. Fry in oil a few at a time until golden. Drain well. Variation: nutmeg, caraway seed or orange rind may be mixed into the flour. Submitted by: butterflydog From: International Recipes Online Cow pea flour can be used for a portion of the wheat flour - JW MMMMM