MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CARIBBEAN FREEZE Categories: Low-cal, Desserts, Beans Yield: 6 servings MMMMM----------------CHEF FREDDY'S LITE DESSERTS--------------------- 2/3 c Sugar 3 tb HERSHEY'S Cocoa 1 3/4 c Water 3 tb Pineapple juice concentrate 1 tb Golden Rum *or* 1/2 ts Rum extract In a med. saucepan stir together the sugar and the cocoa, then stir in the water... Cook over med. heat stirring occasionally, until the mixture comes to a boil... Reduce heat and simmer for 3 min., stirring occasionally...Cool completly... Stir the concentrate and the rum [or rum extract] into the chocolate mixture, cover and refrigerate until cold, about 6 hrs... Pour into a 1 qt icecream freezer container and freeze according to manufacturer's directions... Garnish as desired before serving... NUTRITIONAL INFO...[PER SERVING]: 150 Calories 0 mg cholesterol 1 gm Protein 5 mg Sodium 36 gm Carbohydrates 10 mg Calcium 0 mg Fat ...SO PIG OUT !!! from the HERSHEY'S Luscious Desserts cookbook and Fred Goslin on CYBEREALM BBS in Watertown NY (315)-786-1120 MMMMM