MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Bermuda Salad Categories: Salads Yield: 6 Servings MMMMM---------------------------SALAD-------------------------------- 1 1/2 lb Fresh green beans; ends -snipped off, but otherwise -left whole 1 1/2 c Bermuda onion; thinly -sliced, (that's the reddish -purple kind) 2 c Colby cheese; grated Red cabbage leaves MMMMM--------------------------MARINADE------------------------------- 3/4 c Olive oil; high quality 3/4 c Wine vinegar 3/4 ts Salt Fresh black pepper; lots 2 cl Garlic; crushed Fresh parsley MMMMM----------------------GARNISH OPTIONS--------------------------- Eggs Tomatoes Olives Sprouts Lemon slices Orange slices Allow at least 3 hours marination. Prepare the marinade. Let it sit while you: Steam the green beans until tender. Add them, still hot, to the marinade. Cool. When it's cool, add the onions. Cover and regrigerate at least 3 hours. Toss in the grated cheese just before serving. Serve on a bed of whole red cabbage leaves. Garnish lavishly. Note: This is a color salad. Don't substitute white onions or cheese, or you'll lose the scheme. Okay? Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM