---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Green Chili with Pork Categories: Mexican, Pork/ham, Chili Yield: 6 servings 1/2 c Olive oil 5 c Chicken stock or canned brot 4 c Onions, chopped, yellow 28 oz Tomatoes, italian plum, 8 x Garlic cloves, chopped 8 x Jalapeno peppers, 1 x Potato, peeled and grated 1 x Fresh stemmed and minced 12 x Poblano chilies (1 1/2 lb), 3 x Carrots, sliced crosswise, 1 x 1/2" pieces 28 oz Green chilies, 1 1/2 tb Oregano, dried 3 lb Pork,boneless shoulder, 1 x 1/2" cubes In a large heavy duty casserole or Dutch oven (about 5 qt.) warm the Oil over medium heat. Add Onions, Garlic, Jalapenos, and carrots. Cook,stirring once or twice, for 10 minutes. Stir in Oregano and Pork cubes and cook until Pork has lost its pink color, about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Stir in the chicken stock, 1 tsp of Salt, crushed Tomatoes and the grated potato. Bring to a bOil, then lower the heat and cook partially covered, for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. Cut the Poblano into 1/2" strips. Add them to the Chili and cook , stirring often, for another 30 to 45 minutes or until the Pork is tender and the Chili is thickened to your liking. Taste for correct seasonings and let cook another 5 minutes. Serve hot. NOTE: To roast Poblanos, stick them on a serving fork and turn over a gas burner until thoroughly charred. Wrap Chilies in a paper bag after you roast them. When cool, rinse under cold running Water, rubbing off the burned skin. Pat dry and de-stem Chilies. -----