MMMMM-----Meal-Master - formatted by MMCONV 2.10 Title: Atomic Frog Balls And Pickled Garlic Scapes Categories: Native, Canadian, Pickles, Vegetables Servings: 12 4 lb brussels sprouts, cleaned 3 1/2 c apple cider vinegar 3 1/2 c water 1/4 c sea salt, non-iodized pickling salt 2 tb sugar 1 tb coriander seeds 1 tb cumin seeds, 1 1/2 ts celery seed 12 dried chilies 24 clove garlic Heat vinegar, water, salt, and sugar until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Mix the spices together to form your own pickling spice blend. Cut Brussels sprouts in half if large or leave whole, if desired. Place in jars, but do not squash in too tight. Add 1 chili pepper, 1 to 2 cloves of garlic, and 1/3 - 1/2 tsp pickling spice blend per jar. Pour vinegar mixture over sprouts to 1/2 inch from top. Wipe rim and put lids on finger tight. Place jars in boiling water bath. Boil for 10 minutes, take out jars- tighten lids and cool on wire rack or on a towel. Cook's Notes: For a sweeter version, simply add 1 - 2 cups sugar to the pickling brine. This recipe also works for pickling other vegetables, like cucumbers, garlic scapes, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes, either ripe or green. Caroline Nielsen Dillabough, Maskwacis-Wetaskiwin, Alberta From: Cree Recipes From James Bay MMMMM