---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Beef With Assorted Vegetables - Szechuan Categories: Chinese, Beef, Main dish Yield: 4 servings 2/3 lb Beef flank steak : MARINADE----- 1 ts Dry sherry 1/2 ts Ginger -- minced 1/3 ts Sugar 2 TB Oyster sauce 1 ts Cornstarch 1/2 ts Baking soda : SEASONING SAUCE----- 1/4 c Chicken stock 1/4 c -water 1 ts Cornstarch 1/4 ts Sugar 1/2 ts Sesame oil 1 TB Soy sauce 1/4 ts Salt 2 Dried hot red peppers -- : chopped 1 Carrot 2 c Boiling water 1 c Snow peas -- or sliced : beans 1 c Vegetable oil 1 c Fresh mushrooms -- sliced Use a cleaver to slice beef across the grain and at an angle into thin strips; cut strips 2 inches long; combine marinade in a medium bowl; add beef strips mix well and let stand for 30 minutes. Mix seasoning sauce in a small bowl; mix well; set aside. Add salt and carrot to water in a small saucepan; boil 15 minutes; add snow peas or green beans; cook 1 minute; remove from heat and cool vegetables in cold water; drain well; slice carrot into thin slices. Heat oil in wok over medium heat for 1 minute; add marinated beef, stir-frying until lightly browned; remove with slotted spoon, draining well over wok; set aside. Remove oil from wok except 1/4 cup; heat over high heat for 30 seconds; add red peppers; stir-fry 15 seconds; add mushrooms; stir-fry 3 minutes; add seasoning sauce, cooked snow peas, carrots and cooked beef; stir-fry until sauce thickens slightly. Serve hot. Chuck in Pok Thursday 10:25 am 11/25 C.OZBURN on GEnie Formatted by Elaine Radis BGMB90B; December, 1993 Posted on Prodigy; November, 1993 Recipe By : -----OTHER INGREDIENTS----- From: Sweeney date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 22:51:17 +0800 ( -----