---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: STIR-FRIED MINCED CHICKEN Categories: Chinese, Chicken Yield: 4 servings 1/2 lb Boned Chicken Breast 1/2 c Diced mushrooms * 1/2 c Diced ham 1 c Diced bamboos shoot 1 c Diced white leeks (optional) 1/2 c Green beans (cooked) 2 Eggs 3 oz Rice noodles 1 c Oil 20 Mandarin Dan Bing ** ------------------------TO MARINATE------------------------ 1/4 ts Salt 1 tb Cornstarch 1 tb Cold water ----------------------SEASONING SAUCE---------------------- 1 ts Salt 1 1/2 tb Soy sauce (light) 2 ts Cornstarch 1 ts Sesame oil 2 tb Soup stock 3/16 ts Black pepper ** *(or soaked black mushrooms) **(or spring roll skin) 1. Heat oil until very hot. Deep fry the rice noodles until puffed and golden (only 2 or 3 seconds for each side). Put on a platter. Crush them with a fork or chopsticks. 2. Cut the chicken into 1/4 inch cubes. Marinate with salt, cornstarch and water at least 20 minutes. Then fry with 1 cup of hot oil only 30 seconds and drain. 3. Make a thin pancake with the beaten eggs, cut into 1/4 inch cubes. 4. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan. Stir fry the mushrooms, the bamboo shoot, the green beans, and the ham. After 1 minute add fried chicken, egg cubes, and seasoning sauce. Stir fry over high heat until mixture thickens. Then, add the white leeks. Turn off the heat right away. Put on platter over fried rice noodles. 5. Serve with Mandarin Dan Bing or spring roll skin which will be used to wrap around the meat and noodle mixture. NOTE: The recipe for "Dan Bing", a thin Chinese pancake, can be found on page 231 of Volume I of Pei Mei's Chinese Cook Book. Pei Mei's Chinese Cook Book Volume II by Fu. Pei Mei Printed by Chiu-Yu Printing Co, Ltd (1974) -----