---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CHILI SHRIMP WITH BASIL Categories: Chinese, Seafood, Appetizers Yield: 4 servings Karen Mintzias 1 lb Raw medium shrimp Salt 1/2 Sweet red pepper 8 Chives 2 tb Unsalted roasted peanuts ---------------------------SAUCE--------------------------- 2 tb Fish sauce 2 tb Lime juice 2 tb Water 2 ts Sugar 1 ts Chinese chili sauce 2 Garlic cloves - finely minced 2 tb Chopped fresh basil ADVANCE PREPARATION: Shell the shrimp, then devein by cutting along the top of the curve, starting at the tail and making a progressively deeper cut so the knife nearly cuts through the shrimp at the thick end. Rinse out the vein. Bring a large amount of lightly salted water to a rapid boil and add the shrimp. Cook until shrimp are done, between 1 and 2 minutes. To test, cut a shrimp in half; it should be white in the center. Transfer the shrimp immediately to a bowl of ice water to cool. When chilled, drain and refrigerate until ready to use. Mince and place in separate containers the red pepper and chives. Finely chop the peanuts in a food processor and set aside. Combine the sauce ingredients and mix well. LAST-MINUTE PREPARATION: Toss the shrimp with the sauce. Put in a decorative bowl and place the bowl in crushed ice. Sprinkle the shrimp with the red pepper, chives and peanuts. Serve at once. Serves: 4 to 8 as an appetizer or 4 as a first course. Source: Chopstix - by Hugh Carpenter and Teri Sandison ISBN: 1-55670-133-0 Typed for you by Karen Mintzias. -----