---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CHINESE EGG ROLLS 2 Categories: Chinese, Appetizers Yield: 18 egg rolls 1/2 c Carrots, chopped 10 Napa cabbage leaves, chopped -and ends removed 2 Stalks bok choi, chopped 4 c Fresh bean sprouts 1/2 md Onion, chopped 4 Cloves garlic, minced 1/2 c Bamboo shoots, chopped 1 c Water chestnuts, chopped 1 lb Ground pork, cooked 1 lb Small shrimp, cooked 1/2 lb Ground beef, cooked 1/4 c Cooking wine 1/4 c Soy sauce 3 tb Sesame oil 1 pk Egg roll skins or wrappers Oil for frying 1 Egg, beaten Mix filling ingredients together. Put mixture in the freezer awhile to cool. Warm meat tends to soften the wrappers and make things messy. Heat vegetable oil in fryer to 325 degrees. To roll, place about 3 tb filling mixture in the center of the wrapper. Fold 1 corner over mixture and fold in ends. Continue rolling. Brush egg mixture on exposed corner of wrapper to help seal egg roll. Put egg rolls in hot oil, a few at a time, and fry a few minutes on each side until golden brown. Remove to drain on paper towels. Serve warm with soy sauce, hot mustard, or sauce of your choice. Makes 18 egg rolls. Appeared in the 2 Nov 1994 issue of The Birmingham Post-Herald. ~- -----