---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SHIH CHIN TAN P'AI (ASSORTED MEAT IN EGG PIE) Categories: Chinese, Chicken, Pork, Poultry, Seafood Yield: 4 servings 1/3 c Chicken, diced boned 1/4 c Ham, diced 1 Duck gizzard 1/4 c Shrimp, small shelled 1/4 c Black mushrooms, diced 1/4 c Bamboo shoots 2 tb Green peas 2 tb Oil 1/2 tb Wine 1/2 ts Salt 8 Eggs 2 tb Flour 1/4 ts Salt 1/4 ts MSG (optional) 6 tb Oil 1) Cut the softened black mushrooms, cooked ham, duck, gizzard, chicken meat, shrimp and bamboo shoots into dices. Stir fry all the diced ingredients with 2 tablespoons of oil and season with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of wine. Then add the green peas. Mix well. Remove and place in a bowl. 2) Beat the egg whites with an egg-beater or chopsticks until very stiff. Add the flour, salt, MSG and egg yolks. Mix well. 3) Heat the pan very hot. Put 6 tablespoons of oil in pan and then pour in the egg paste. Fry over low heat until almost stiff. Sprinkle the fried stuffing over the egg pie. Fry again until golden. Turn over and fry the other side for about 2 minutes. 4) Remove and cut the egg pie into small pieces of any shape for eating convenience. Garnish with some lettuce leaves and serve. Pei Mei's Chinese Cook Book Volume II by Fu. Pei Mei Printed by Chiu-Yu Printing Co, Ltd(1974) -----